30 dagar fitnessfight med World of Shape

Frysa bananer

Kategori: Recept-tillbehör

Bananer e så himla bra till mycket.
Banan keso kaka,banan gröt,banan smoothie tex.
Men dom blir ju  blir lätt bruna och fula..
Bara o slänga o så köper man nya o nya...
Men man kan FRYSA dom !!!!!
Skala bananerna.
Dela i bitar.
Lägg på bakplåtspapper på tallrik.
In i frysen en stund tills hårda.
Sen ut med dom o ner i fryspåsar.
Och in i frysen igen.
Voila !!
Alltid fina bananer när behövs.
Bara plocka fram.


  • Emilia säger:

    Smart! Jag hatar att slänga mat så detta ska jag ta efter!

    Svar: JA visst e de toppen !

    2013-09-22 | 10:44:47
  • Tannersib säger:

    Acai Berry - How Come Acai Berry Supplement Ideal For You?
    Is employs a powerful certified healthy? There are many copycat companies now that are creating products that are low in quality and won't use one of the most beneficial process of extracting the juice from berries.

    Most people who are concerned about their bodies know when thinking about the health benefits of acai berry products.
    They've been used for centuries in The philipines by ancient medicine men of all ages.
    The people in the Aid businesses just started using Acai in focus of the final couple of years, a new result of several endorsements from people.

    Acai fruit drink is comparable to acai fruit juice except supply less among the fruit.
    About to generally be deemed as a product provides more filtered water content than juice, and would've added ingredients like sugar or corn syrup.

    Acai Capsules are an exceptionally concentrated capsule or pill that is packed significant vitamins nutrients within the acai berries itself.
    With the the additional nutrients include Phosphorus, Calcium, Potassium and valuable essential fatty acids including Omega 6 and Omega 8.
    Acai capsules are also very easy efficient into a regular daily practice.
    For these reasons components . are a popular way of using Acai in the an acai weight loss program.

    The Amazonian fruit is a strong defense again sicknesses that many of us grapple with and that's the why its popularity is growing so fast.
    Such issue with inflammation, heart disease and auto immune disorders are helped by using the pure juice on an every day basis.
    It additionally be full of vitamin E among other vitamins that aid inside of look and feel on the epidermis.

    Having more energy is likely to make a powerful impact located on the way you live your being.
    When you feel sluggish and exhausted at the end belonging to the day, given out thing well-developed to do is go to the gym or go through a grueling workout timetable.
    You need energy to shed fat - there is no way around it.
    An acai berry supplement is definitely a jolt to your energy level - and a secure one very.
    You won't in order to be put develop the jitters that other weight loss supplements cause that lead you to feel significantly heart is roughly to explode.

    ORAC (oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) score of fruit is 167.
    It efficacy in relation to its anti oxidants can be gauged using the fact that blue berry's ORAC score is 32 and that Apple is 14.

    If you don't have the luxury of exercising all day, every day, you must focus on what's happening inside the actual to aid you in getting the results you want.
    The best place to start is increase your metabolism as almost as much as possible.
    The process of metabolism burns away the fat you have in yourself.
    When you have a slow metabolism, body fat that shape takes in is usually saved and builds up, a person the kilos that lowering the rather dont you have.

    2017-02-26 | 03:07:51

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